
Store Policies

Payment Policy: Paying via credit card or PayPal is the only method allowed for addresses outside the United States. Customers from the United States also have the option of sending a check, money order or cashier's check. Payments should be made payable to "Teri Morris" and mailed to 239 Peyton Street, Santa Cruz, CA 95060

Promo Codes and Coupons: You need to be registered and logged in in order to use one of our promo codes. They can each only be used once per customer. If you have problems getting a promo code to be accepted, sometimes it helps to log out and log back in again.

The promo code is entered during the checkout process, as seen in the screenshot below. If you miss this screen, the final page in the checkout process has a link to "Edit Cart."


Gift Certificates
: Gift certificates are entered during checkout, as seen on the screen shot below.


Packaging Policy: All items except converters and refills will be shipped in a box or hard plastic tube. We do not use padded envelopes to ship pens unless requested to do so by a customer.