Product Description
Type Vintage ring-top fountain pen
Product Name Unknown
Manufacturer and Year Udela (imprinted on cap, it might be a personalization). Looks to be 1930s vintage.
Length 4" without ring-top hardware
Filling System Lever Filler, restored with a new sac.
Color Black Pearl with gold plated trim.
Nib MEDIUM FLEXIBLE 14k Warranted nib. Please see writing sample.
Condition Very nice condition with no cracks. This is a very small, shiny pen in a nice color combination. The "pearl" bits are mostly quite ambered with the most original coloration showing near the cap bands. The barrel and cap have moderate to heavy scratching and the end of the barrel and top of the cap have bite marks. The end of the barrel has a slight bend to it. The lever has plating wear and dots of pitting. The cap bands have quite a bit of plating wear and some pitting along edges. The ring top has brassing and a little plating wear. The Udela imprint is clear, but we're not sure what it signifies.